Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Duplication Budget Not Only in the Department of Education and Department of Public Works

Inflation of the budget or budget doubles not only occur at the Department of Education and Department of Public Works , but also on the working unit (SKPD ) other . Value reached Rp 1.8 trillion of the total budget of Rp 72 trillion .

Head of Financial Management Agency ( BPKD) Widjajanti Endang said , usually the budget duplication occurs in allied unit .

" For example, many programs similar to the Tax Office , the Department of Public Works to the Department of Housing Building Jakarta administration , the Department of Transportation , Department of Spatial Planning at the Department of Building Control ( P2B ) , " said Endang , at City Hall on Tuesday ( 22/4 / 2014 ) .

Duplication budget on education it was because each device and unit area ( UKPD ) does not have a good design and do not coordinate well with each other .

Endang explained , there is some duplication in the budget models . First similar budgeting SKPDs the same and different . For example , on education has allocated a budget for certain activities , it turns out similar activities budgeted also by other officials.

Second , the presence of saturation budget . For example , back to budget the procurement of goods and services , whereas the need is not urgent .

" For example , this year's budget for the purchase of stationery . Generally facts on the ground , still the stuff , yes crossed out the budget , " said Endang .

Third , the value of the budget irrational or unreasonable . Fourth , to name the different budget , but that budget allocations similar purpose .

This year there are about 72,000 in the capital budget items . Other problems are still many officers at the village , district , and UKPD who do not understand the accounting information system . Because, so far , officials at village, district , and others are still accustomed to manual bookkeeping .

To anticipate inflation of the state budget and losses , the city government began to implement e - budgeting system starting this year . Even so , the risk is high usage Budget Surplus ( Silpa ) 2014.
( Read: suara burung pleci )

" It does not matter if you end up unused budget , rather than one designation and suffered losses to the state , " said Endang .


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