Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Authority Banggar Circumcised, Faster Budget Discussion

Director General of Budget , Ministry of Finance , Askolani said , changes to the authority of the Budget Committee House of Representatives ( DPR ) after the Constitutional Court decision will have implications for the discussion of the draft Budget Amendment 2014.

Askolani called the plus side , the budget discussion will be more time efficient because detail matters such as the type and activity of ministries / agencies no longer need to be discussed and discussed at the meeting Banggar .

" So yes hopefully it can save time as well . If the council to discuss the details of it will take time , if you really want to be explored and discussed , "he met at the Parliament House , Jakarta , Monday ( 26/05/2014 ) .

Askolani said , after the state budget bill diketok , by following the new mechanism then no longer need to have a discussion with Banggar . " So for example, spending K / L changes , the discussion in the House of Representatives only to the program , not to be discussed again until the type and activity , " he said .
( Read: master murai batu )

Previously reported , the Court cut Banggar authority to grant in part the petition Act ( Act) No. 27/2009 on the MPR , DPR, and DPD ( MD3 ) and Law No. 17/2003 on State Finance .

According to the decision , the authority Banggar in discussing the budget should be limited so as not to discuss things that are very detailed on the unit three . The Court also cut actual spending authority of Parliament in the budget to give asterisk .

The Court stated , in setting the budget and the State Budget ( Budget ) , Banggar function should not be too far in making budget planning . Banggar can only give persetujuaan over the plan proposed by the president .


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